Kubernetes administration

Orchestrate your containers professionally
“Now, bring me that horizon!”
Taught by: Agoston Deim
Length: 7+ hours
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10 tutorials are already available with 4 more coming up.
Docker and similar container technologies are great to develop and distribute your applications and microservices but they lack features like deployment, scaling and exposing it to the public. We call these features orchestration. The best tool to orchestrate your applications is Kubernetes. Originally developed and open-sourced by Google, it's a production-grade system with 15 years of experience.
Taking this course is the best way to learn how to install your Kubernetes cluster and container networking solution and how to deploy, manage and scale your applications. You will learn all aspects of container orchestration and management from simple deployments to scaling and upgrading your application in a running cluster.
Join our course today and learn how to master Kubernetes.
Other course from the same trainer: Docker inside out
Recommended for
Ideal for developers, sysadmins and devops
Basic Linux knowledge, basic networking
Technical requirements
VirtualBox, minimum 10GB RAM and 30GB disk space
Acquired skills
Kubernetes administration: how to build a cluster, determine network configuration, grow the cluster, deploy applications and configure the storage
Curriculum and videos
Start the course for free! No credit card needed.
Section 1 - Kubernetes concepts
- Video 1 - Kubernetes concepts.mp4 08:32, 17MB
Section 2 - Kubernetes architecture
- Virtual lab and downloads info.pdf 1 page
- kube-master.ova 1.1GB
- kube-node1.ova 0.8GB
- kube-node2.ova 0.9GB
- kube-node3.ova 0.9GB
- kube-gw.ova 0.8GB
- kube-store.ova 548MB
- yamls.tar 60KB
- Video 2 - Lab network architecture.mp4 04:52, 15MB
Section 3 - Running containers on Kubernetes cluster
- Video 3 - POD concepts and management.mp4 52:17, 97MB
Section 4 - initContainers and multi-container PODs
Section 5 - Node selection and affinities
- Video 5 - Scheduling workload.mp4 46:21, 93MB
Section 6 - Deploy and scale your applications
- Video 6 - Managing Deployments.mp4 45:58, 91MB
Section 7 - Creating services from your application deployments
- Video 7 - Services.mp4 35:22, 67MB
Section 8 - Exposing services through Ingress controllers
- Video 10 - Using DaemonSet.mp4 24:22, 44MB
- Video 11 - Running Jobs and Cronjobs.mp4 30:35, 55MB
- Video 12 - Managing persistent storage: Volumes.mp4 01:03:46, 113MB
Section 9 - Running stateful applications on Kubernetes
Bonus section - Installing Kubernetes
- Bonus video 1 - Installing Kubernetes.mp4 01:06:45, 153MB